Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Testing Framework is Complete

The testing framework now tests map information functions and as well as events/callbacks. These were the last two groups of test cases that I planned to add to the initial testing framework, bringing it to completion. That said, most functions in BWAPI use information obtained from Starcraft's memory, and like any RTS game, Starcraft has a very, very large state space, so of course the testing framework is no where near exhaustive. However, for now its safe to say that the framework tests unit commands, unit, player, and map information functions, and verifies that events/callbacks are generated when and only when they should be. However, if any bugs pop up in the future, I can add test cases to the framework to ensure that the bugs stay fixed.

I've also run the testing framework on the BWAPI client and it runs without error, so it looks like the client is nearing completion as well.

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