Saturday, July 17, 2010

Unit Command Test Cases Complete

After pulling an all-nighter, I'm happy to say that I've completed test cases for every unit command and they all pass on the server and client without a single failed assert. Perhaps the hardest test cases of the 43 unit commands were cancelTrain(slot), cancelMorph, and cancelConstruction, as different attributes of the unit had to be latency-compensated for different lengths of time, making them rather tricky puzzle pieces.

An off-by-one mistake in the latency compensation code would over-compensate or under-compensate the unit or player attributes (i.e. giving the player the appearance of having more or less resources than he actually has), leading to a failed assert that would only pop up for one or two frames at a time and then vanish in a game that's being run at 180 frames per second. Nonetheless, I have determined the shape of these puzzle pieces and now the latency compensation code is a perfect match for even these three unit commands, allowing for a seamless transition from latency-compensated values to actual values read from Starcraft memory.

As explained in my last post, my next main goal is to make test cases for events and callbacks, and more importantly start making the internal adjustments in GameImpl.cpp that will be necessary to make those new test cases run successfully on the client.

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